Condé Nast Entertainment Strategic Plan
(Background, Mission, Clients, Goals and Objectives, Action Plan, Communicate, Execution sections written by Libby Egan)
Editing Samples
Boston University's International Relations Review Articles Edited by Libby (Not a complete list):
Fall Print 2021 (Pg 31, 44, 57 )
Spring Print 2022 (Pg 111)
Fall Print 2022 (Pg 11, 22)
Online Article: The Black Panther Movies Have Effectively Changed the Worldview on Africa
Online Article: Mining in Africa and the Dark Underbelly of Powering our Future
Online Article: Human Rights Policies and Labor Regulation in South Africa
Online Article: Non-Religious Nigerians Risk Their Freedom and Their Lives
Online Article: Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Groundbreaking or Cataclysmic?
Online Article: The Forgotten Islamic Republic: Mauritania’s Importance in the World
Online Article: Africa Left in the Dust: Inequity in Vaccine Distribution